Stay Focused on mission 2022

Hello! This is me Md. Rakibul Huda Badhon.I have completed my graduation in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Business and Technology.Now I want to be a full stack web developer.That's why I'm here!

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My Mission in 2022


My first mission is to complete this course properly.My another mission is hard working and practice more and more.I wish I will complete my mission properly.


the sense by which the qualities of an object that make up its appearance are perceived through a process in which light rays entering the eye are transformed into signals that pass to the brain.


My one and only goal is to become a full stack web developer.To complete my goal I can compromise of all section of my life.For this I follow Jhankar Mahabub sir's instractions.

Develop Without Limits

I am tired of second-guessing if your professional development efforts are meeting the mark.I am ready to build the professional learning your people need in order to be effective with young people.

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Know our Global Community

the people or nations of the world, considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically, socially, and politically interdependent.The definition of community is all the people living in an area or a group or groups of people who share common interests

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Build Corona Application

Stay safe with GoCorona

Avoid crowds and close contact. Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible and in poorly ventilated settings. Clean your hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.

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